Terry Sarten

Singer Songwriter

Performer and Songwriter

Terry Sarten has many years of experience as a performer and songwriter. His songs have found their way to audiences in Germany, Australia and NZ. He is also a writer with a regular newspaper column. He lives in Whanganui New Zealand close to the Awa. His song lyrics travel in whatever stylistic vehicle best suits the feel of each song. Terry’ s songs of life, love, boogie and the blues always resonate with audiences and find their way into the heart and memory.

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Even Angels get the Blues

‘Even Angels get the Blues’ is the title of Terry Sarten’s touring show. The name came from the realisation that, on checking the set list, at least half a dozen of the songs he has written reference angels in some way. One of the songs that many audiences have heard is called ‘Don’t Surrender’. “This was written at a time when my daughter was heading of too University with the added dimension that the Christchurch earthquake had just happened – both requiring strength and the confidence to hold onto your identity”.

Play "Angel"
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Heavy but Beautiful

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The single cone resonator guitar that Terry plays is a handmade and unique instrument build by Russ Mattson from Nelson New Zealand.

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